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Python Boolean

In Python, the Boolean data type (often shortened to "Bool") is fundamental for representing the concepts of True and False. Boolean values are central to decision-making and conditional logic in programming.

Key Characteristics

Two Possible Values: ⯁ True ⯁ False Important: Note that these keywords are case-sensitive. Result of Comparisons: ⯁ Greater than (>), less than (<), equal to (==), not equal to (!=) ⯁ Example: 10 > 5 results in the Boolean value True. Conditional Logic: ⯁ if and else statements use Boolean expressions to execute different code blocks depending on the condition. ⯁ while loops use Boolean conditions to determine how long to continue running.

Creating Boolean Variables:

Creating boolean variables | boolean type example #You directly assign Boolean values to variables is_valid = True has_error = False print(is_valid) print(type(has_error)) print(type(True))


True <class 'bool'> <class 'bool'>

Operations on Booleans

Python supports logical operators for combining and manipulating Boolean values: ✦ not (Negation): Inverts the Boolean value. not True results in False. ✦ and (Conjunction): Returns True only if both operands are True. Otherwise, it returns False. ✦ or (Disjunction): Returns True if at least one of the operands is True. It returns False only if both operands are False. Example:
Boolean in logical operators example in python is_student = True is_registered = False can_attend_class = is_student and is_registered print(can_attend_class) can_attend_class = is_student or is_registered print(can_attend_class)


False True

Truthiness of Non-Boolean Values

In conditional contexts, most non-Boolean values in Python have an inherent "truthiness" or "falsiness": Falsy values: ⯁ None ⯁ False ⯁ Zero of any numeric type (0, 0.0) ⯁ Empty sequences and collections (e.g., "", [], {}) Truthy values: Most other values are considered "Truthy".


★python ★ datatypes ★ boolean
